Monteiro & Neves Advogados, founded in 2001, is formed by professionals with extensive experience in serving Brazilian and foreign companies, being able to act in the most complex processes and transactions in order to advise on legal issues in the law areas, for which it has specialty. The firm has a prominent performance in Tax Law where it is a reference in several of the main theses in the Brazil, as well as Corporate Law, having participated in relevant operations in Brazil and abroad. The consolidation and expansion of activities are directly related to the constant investments made in training, infrastructure, hiring qualified professionals and expanding the geographic bases of service. The facilities are among the most modern in the country, bringing together the best available technological resources and all the operational equipment necessary for the management of our clients’ projects.

Internationally, we have strong relationships with offices in various countries, which enables us to ensure the best quality representation and coverage for our clients.

The economic activity has consequences in all areas of law and poses complex challenges for the leaders of organizations. Because of this, the mission of adding business value and quality to clients can only be effectively executed if it accompanied by precise legal strategies and adequate exposure to legal risks.

For this reason, a team of highly specialized lawyers and consultants fully provides our clients with technical knowledge and legislation, with coordinated and integrated actions seeking of assertiveness. These credentials lead us to assume the planning and legal representation of some of the most important private institutions and groups operating in the country.

The trust placed in the quality of our services has been rewarded with the permanent search for innovative legal solutions to face the challenges imposed by the dynamics of business activity.